En su honor, con una esponja, unos botones y algunos clavos... esta torta:
¡Feliz cumpleaños, Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver)!
PD: A ver... ¿quién sabe el nombre de pila del personaje?
In his honour, with a sponge, some buttons and nails... this cake.
Happy birthday, Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver)!
Quiz: who knows MacGyver's first name?
23 años
Hace 3 meses
3 comentarios. ¿Te vas a ir sin dejar el tuyo?:
very nice, hope it tastes like it looks!
Is his first name Big? or I? or Apple? I have no idea cause I never watched it...
You didn't guess it, but no one else answered, so you win the prize: mUaH!
PS: I loved him when I was a kid (him and Sting; I still love Sting), but I just found out the character's name, which was mentioned in one of the last episodes only. See why: Angus.
I wouldn't respect an Angus much.
se llamaba ANGUS por un antepasado o algo asi. por un monento me siento tipo paty y selma las hermanas de marge simpson jajajaj
saludos. y yo que me gano???
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